Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Abs Diet

The Abs Diet was created by David Zinczenko - the editor for fitness magazine "Men’s Health". The book is written in a style aimed at men, but the principles can be applied to anyone.

For many years most athletes, fitness models, and bodybuilders have applied the same basic fundamentals to their diet. Principles like eating often (5-6 times per day), building muscle, eating lean proteins, and aiming to eat whole unrefined carbs.

Sadly many dieters have failed to take note of these techniques, often believing that calorie restriction is the only way to lose weight.

Useful Information

Hidden under the glossy marketing-speak in the Abs Diet, you will find sensible and workable ideas for fat loss. The principles are not new, but simply repackaged for a different market. In fact the program is quite similar to Body For Life.

Whilst the book is called "The Abs Diet" - having visible abdominal muscles is about attaining very low levels of fat - rather than any magic diet, special exercise, or special piece of equipment. Attaining defined abs is difficult and challenging - but it sells, and many men now consider visible abs to be the pinnacle of a good body.

The 12 Power Foods

The Abs diet contains a 7 day meal plan, made up of 12 ‘power foods’, along with recipes. One meal per week is designated as a ‘cheat’ meal - where you eat anything you want. The book advises avoiding foods like fatty meats, processed/refined carbs, high-sugar foods.

The Power 12 Foods

1. Almonds and Other Nuts eaten with skins intact.
2. Beans and Other Legumes
3. Spinach and Other Green Vegetables
4. Dairy: Fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese
5. Instant Oatmeal: Unsweetened, unflavored

6. Eggs
7. Turkey and other lean meats. Lean steak, chicken, fish
8. Peanut Butter - All-natural, sugar-free.
9. Olive Oil
10. Whole-Grain Breads and Cereals
11. Extra-Protein (Whey) Powder

12. Raspberries and Other Berries

If you are wondering why almonds, spinach, raspberries, and turkey were singled out — nothing scientific — it just helps to make a catchy acronym - absdietpower !

Cardio and Weights

Essential to the diet program is strength and interval training. This is based on the premise that building muscle increases metabolism which will assist in burning fat.

Do You Get A Flat Tummy?

This is what the author says in response to spot reducing:

"…you can’t spot reduce per se. That’s a myth. But if people lose weight - particularly if they’re doing some moderate exercise at the same time - they’ll lower their body fat and will likely notice that loss in their bellies since that’s where most of the fat lives…"

Unfortunately this isn’t quite true. Women, in particular, carry most of their fat deposits around the thighs and hips. Also, belly fat can quite often be the last place that fat disappears from. However the book does is aimed at men which may explain the authors comments.


The Abs Diet pretends to be something new. However it is simply a basic guide to strength training, good nutrition, and exercise. It provides good sensible nutritional advice, and, if followed correctly would result in weight loss and improved overall conditioning.

See also:

Abs Diet

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